History of the museum
An idea that lived for 73 years
The idea of the establishment of an aviation museum arose in 1919, in order to be preserved for history some of the first aircrafts of Bulgaria. But the conclusion of the Peace Treaty of Neuilly made it unrealizable. In 1931 a decision was made for establishment of a museum collection at Bojurishte Airfield. It was open in 1934 and existed until the beginning of the World War 2. In 1972 the initiative was taken in founding of an aviation museum, but at that time it was hardly practicable. Great part of the aircrafts in the Aviation School in Dolna Mitropolia having survived after the W W 2 had already been destroyed and an order was given the hangars taken up by them to be released.
On 21st September 1991 with the efforts of a great deal of enthusiasts, with the immediate participation of the personnel of 25th air regiment in Cheshnegirovo, 44th air regiment in Krumovo, 19th air regiment in Graf Ignatievo, 22nd air regiment in Bezmer, the team of the National Museum of Military History – Sofia and some other individuals and organizations, The Aviation Museum in Krumovo was open. Since 2005 it became a branch of the National Museum of Military History –Sofia.
Partners and relationships
Национален исторически музей
Национален археологически музей с институт
Национална галерия
Национален парк-музей „Шипка – Бузлуджа” – Казанлък
Регионален исторически музей Бургас
Регионален исторически музей Кюстендил
Регионален исторически музей Пловдив
Регионален исторически музей Пазарджик
Регионален исторически музей Русе
Археологически музей Варна
Регионален исторически музей Стара Загора
Регионален исторически музей Варна
Регионален археологически музей Пловдив
Национален политехнически музей
Национален музей „Земята и хората“
Регионален военноисторически музей – Плевен
Асоциация на българските туроператори и туристически агенти
Мuseum of London
Deutsches Historisches Museum
The Louvre, Paris
Musée de l’Armée Invalides, Paris
The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Museum Victoria&Albert
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
The John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection
Vatican Museums
The National Museum, Prague
The National Museum of Denmark
MoD Military History Institute and Museum, Hungary
National Army Museum, UK
Tank Museum – Wareham, UKIntrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum
Imperial War Museums, UK
The California State Military Museum
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Museum of Military History is a member of:
ICOM – The International Council of Museums
„Български музеи“
Aviation Museum „Krumovo“
Bulgaria, 4112 Krumovo,
Plovdiv Region
Radka Banyalieva
tel.: +359 32/63 66 77
fax: +359 32/ 63 66 78
Working hours
Summer (April–September)
Wednesday–Friday, 9:00 till 18:00
Saturday–Sunday, 9:30 till 18:00
Winter (October–March)
Wednesday–Sunday, 9:00 till 16:30
Ticket sale ends 30 minutes before closing time
Mon – Fri: 8.30 – 17.00