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Summer (April–September)
Wednesday–Friday, 9:00 till 18:00
Saturday–Sunday, 9:30 till 18:00

Winter (October–March)
Wednesday–Sunday, 9:00 till 16:30


Monday–Friday, 8:30 to 17:00

Ticket sale

Up to 30 min. before the end of business hours


Children (up to 7 yrs old) – free
School pupils, students – BGN 2
Open Air exhibition – BGN 4
Combo Open Air and Indoor exhibition – BGN 8
Family – BGN 12

Find Us

Address: Bulgaria, 4112 Krumovo, Plovdiv region
Tel: +359 32/63 66 77

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The collection contains 56 aircrafts of propeller, reactive and glider aviation.

The propeller aviation is presented by the aircraft of the Bulgarian constructor Georgi Bojinov patent in 1912 in France; by the only preserved in the world hydroplane Arado – 196 A 3 Shark, having participated in the World War 2. There are in the collection also the armoured contour-fighter IL-2-3m, Yak-9P having entered service in 1945; the aircraft representative of home aircraft construction Laz-7M, constructed by Professor Tsvetan Lazarov. Bulgaria constructed 310 airplanes of this type till 1954.

Most completely are presented in the collection the planes of the reactive aviation. The main part of the flying personnel in the period since 50’s of the last century up to nowadays have been trained on them. Exhibited are the first reactive planes with right wing – Yak-23, the planes with arrow shaped wing MiG-15UTI, the planes MiG-17 in modifications F and PF, the first supersonic planes MiG-19 in three modifications – S, P, PM, and the only reactive bomber in Bulgaria IL-28, being used for the needs of the investigative aviation.

A new stage in the aircraft construction represents MiG-21, one of the mass planes in the Bulgarian aviation. It has triangle wing and develops speed surpassing more than twice the speed of sound.

Of great interest are the reactive fighters and fighter-bombers MiG-23 and Su-22 with alternating geometry of wings, big diapason of the speed reaching up to 2500 km/ph, with extended radius of action and supplied with guided and unguided rocket, bomb and fire armaments.

The training planes, on which was carried out the initial training of the flying personnel are represented by Yak-11, MiG-15UTI, MiG-21U, MiG-23UB and Su-22-U.

The museum public can see also the transport aircrafts Li-2, IL-14, An-24, An-2, the light connecting planes L-200 “Morava” and the plane An-14 having fulfilled a lot of sanitary tasks all over the country. The agriculture aviation is represented by the planes Zlin „Z- 37”.

The acrobat planes Yak-50, Yak-52, Zlin 326 “Acrobat”, by which the Bulgarian sportsmen achieved high success in a number of international competitions, gave an idea of the Bulgarian sports aviation. From the plane PZL-101 “Gavron” had been carried out parachute jumps and towing of gliders in previous aero clubs.